Recreation therapists and other professionals who use activities as part of therapy have the unique opportunity to create teachable moments. Activities allow a way to practice skills during fun and engaging environments. These real-time experiences…
Browsing Category RT Inspiration
Reusing K-Cups for Therapeutic Activities
Does your breakroom have a Keurig coffee machine? You might even use one to start–or get through–your day. Your opinion of Keurig coffee may go one of two ways: It’s a great, easy way to…
Upcycling Craft Projects and Therapy Worksheets
It’s April. Spring has arrived. It’s the month of Earth Day. It’s an excellent time to reflect on our impacts on the environment and how we can nurture the planet that gives us…well, everything. Which…
An Unforgettable Holiday Season (Like it or Not)
The holiday season is always a challenge for Recreation Therapists and other Activity Professionals. This year–this overwhelming year–has changed the way we do the job we love. Our personal and professional lives have been overturned….
Recreation Therapy Connections
One of the many rewards of creating the TRRT blog is developing Recreation Therapy connections. It’s always great to find someone passionate about the field willing to share their thoughts and experiences to benefit others…