Recreation Therapy Resources

It never hurts to have some go-to Recreation Therapy resources at your disposal.

Then these may be helpful for you.

The first (newest) resource…

I recently opened an Etsy shop with Recreation Therapy worksheets, activity ideas, and other resources.

My goal is to provide affordable (yeah, I’m not getting rich off these), easy-to-print digital downloads that you can use for your groups and activities.

Basically, I am creating nicer versions of worksheets I used through my years of experience as a Recreation Therapist or worksheets I wished I had when I was practicing with different populations.

The best thing about buying digital downloads…You can buy them once and use them as many times as you want. (I’m not doing a multi-user licensing fee as of yet.)

I create minimalist designs so it’s easy on your printer–and keeps the office manager off your back.

The Esty Shop’s name is RecreationIsTherapy. Click to button below to browse the available products and Recreation Therapy resources.

Image of Recreation Is Therapy Logo for Recreation Therapy Resources

Oh…and to sweeten the deal, for a limited time, use the promo code TRBLOG23 for 15% off your entire purchase. (You can use that code as many times as you want while the promotion lasts)

The Second Resource…

In September 2020, my book, Therapy Games for Teens was released. Since then it has sold tens of thousands of copies and has been translated to different languages.

It is loaded with group ideas and games to help teens address anxiety, depression, trauma, bullying, and more.

Learn more about Therapy Games for Teens.

Do You Know Any Recreation Therapy Resources?

Do you have or know someone who has a resource that would be valuable to Recreation Therapists, other health care professionals, or parents?

Contact me! I’d love to hear from you. We can work out an affiliate deal, or–if you’re just starting out or small–I will add you to this page.

This page is a fairly new development on the TRRT blog, so please check back from time to time to see what gets added.

Thanks for checking everything out, and I wish you the best on your TR journey!

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