Starting a group therapy session with self-care quotes is an excellent way to introduce a leisure education topic. The group’s thoughts and opinions serve as an orientation point that expands as the group activity progresses. …
Posts tagged leisure education
Benefits of Leisure Education
Can you believe summer is already over? I thought this would be a great time to discuss the benefits of leisure education for Recreation Therapists and other Activity Professionals. Leisure education serves a vital role…
Journaling Ideas for Recreational Therapy
Journaling can be a powerful intervention tool for Recreation Therapists and other Activity Professionals. In a previous post, I discussed how journaling is an excellent way for your participants to explore their inner selves, troubleshoot…
Leisure Benefits Ads
Introduction When teaching the importance of leisure, it is imperative our participants learn the benefits gained from their free time decisions. This leisure education activity uses a hands-on approach to explore the benefits of popular…
Journaling as a Therapeutic Intervention
Journaling is an excellent activity for your participants to grow greater self-awareness and encourage creative expression. It is a deeply personal activity that has no set rules or techniques. By teaching journaling, you are giving…